Home Sharing the Word – November-25-2018 – Last Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B.

Sharing the Word – November-25-2018 – Last Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B.

Sharing the Word – November-25-2018 – Last Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B.

Last Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B.
Solemnity of Christ the King.
Readings: 1st Reading;  Daniel 7 : 13 – 14.
                 Responsorial Psalm; Ps. 92 : 1 – 2, 5.
                 2nd Reading; Apocalypse 1 : 5 – 8.
                 Gospel; John 18 : 33 – 37.
Today, we celebrate the Feast of Christ the Universal King. Throughout human history, there have always been people who have wanted to dominate or Lord it over others. We have heard of Herod, Caesar, Hitler and today …. During Jesus’ human sojourn here on earth, to have been a Lord meant you owned your subordinates and their property. When we profess Jesus as the Universal King and Lord, we mean that He owns us and all of ours. Jesus tells us in the Gospel that He is not only the King of the Jews though Pilate inscribed on top of His cross, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”. He is King of the Universe. His kingdom is not exclusive. He is King of the Kom man, the Bakweri man, and the Nso man. He is King of all who are on the side of truth and all those who listen to his voice – the black, the white, the red, the tall and the short, the rich and the poor.
In each of us, there is a spirit, that makes us want to dominate. It makes us resist domination as we vie for the big man’s chair or title. This is the source of many wars as none of us wants to succumb to domination. We want to be king, Lord or ruler and hate to lose even to Jesus, the Universal King. When Pilate questions Jesus’ kingship, he tries to exclude himself and confine the Lordship only over the Jews. But Jesus tells him that His sovereignty is over Heaven and earth and is also without end. He is Lord of lords and King of kings.
Jesus said, ‘My Kingdom is not of this world’. Jesus does not rule as earthly kings rule. He has no palace, no throne, no crown, no army. Yet we give him an allegiance and a loyalty, which we would not give to any other person or institution on earth. Alone and unarmed he stood before Pilate. Pilate, had thousands of soldiers to call upon. Jesus had no soldier to call upon. Yet Jesus was incomparably the greater of the two. Jesus is the hope of the human race. He rules, not by force, but by love.
Jesus presents us with two kingdoms – the Kingdom of light and truth and the kingdom of darkness. Which do you choose? The choice is yours. God’s Kingdom of light lasts forever because its foundation is eternal love and justice. The Kingdom of darkness is the absence of righteousness, peace, love, truth, and joy. It conquers only the body while the kingdom of light conquers the heart and soul for titles that are everlasting. The Kingdom of light does not use coercion to conquer, it does not violate other people’s rights. This is the Kingdom for which we pray in the Lord’s prayer to have on earth here. By this, we are praying not to wait for the last judgment.
Don’t wait for the last judgment. It takes place every day. Long before the end, people will have judged themselves. In a thousand ways they have already chosen for or against themselves, for or against their brothers and sisters, for or against the truth, or simply for or against the Kingdom of God. God’s judgment is an X-ray. It shows up the hidden black spots, so God’s judgment will show up what already is: the goat among the sheep, the weeds among the wheat, the guest without the wedding garment.
As Christians, we should not forget that God’s love and mercy are at the heart of the Good News. God did not say that we should fear the last day, only that we should be ready for it. God has even told us to look forward to it, as slaves look forward to the day of their liberation.
If we choose God’s kingship, we must not resist His conquering our souls. We can do this by being powerless in face of the powerful, we must not resort to any form of pressure or manipulation.
A Little Prayer.
Lord Jesus, You are the King of kings, and Lord of Lords. Lord be Lord and Master of my heart and soul. May I strive to please you and serve my neighbour in my daily actions. May all in Heaven and on earth acclaim your glory and never cease to praise your name. Lord, May your Kingdom come! Amen.
Have a Blessed Week!
Bobe Talla Toh.

Author: aaccbrussels

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